
Empowering Livechanging Experience
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Firewalk is walking barefoot over the bed of hot embers. And much more! Passion, Connection, Cooperation…



Firewalk is a living experience in which you can get several and deep learnings, develop your connection with the Fire and with the Elements, and then you can give steps into actions.
Human being has searched different ways to overcome their own limitations in different levels: physicals, mentals, emotionals and spirituals one.

Firewalking is a powerful technique developed by combining  traditional knowlege with modern neuro-science, psychology, leadership and other skills based on scientific discoveries. It is performed according to original teachings of founders of firewalking movement Tolly Burkan and Peggy Dylan and inspired from various firewalking schools from all over the world.



How to get ready

Through a set of sophisticated set of techniques and activities that help participants to cross the bed of hot coals without serious injuries. It’s main goal is to prepare you step by step for firewalking.

It contains among others:


Walking through a bed of broken glass is one of the techniques you will experience before the firewalk. You won’t believe all the things you are capable of.


Listen to your inner voice! Not only intuition, but also your brain is telling you a lot of things. But which of this inner voices is good to listen to? And how?


Emotions are important part of our energy management. Awaking Joy and Happiness through meditation or by succesingin various activities is also important part of Firewalking.


Even though walking over 500°C, you can get over the hot coals without serious injury. The method makes it possible by discovering inner potentials of human. The risk of small burns is though never equal to zero.

All activities are voluntary